What is micronization?
Micronization is the physical process that allows to reduce the particles of a material to sizes smaller than 10 microns.
How micronize?
Micronization is produced by the impact of particles that circulate inside a camera at high speed when they collide with the particles that are introduced into this chamber.
The higher the velocity of the particles circulating inside the chamber, the greater the impact and therefore the finer particles will be.
Increasing the pressure of the gas entering the chamber produces an increase in the gas velocity and consequently the velocity of the particles it carries.
Why micronize?
Micronization produces more benefits than any other particle size reduction technology:
Smaller particle sizes.
More homogeneous particle size distribution (PSD).
Cold process for which thermosensitive products can be treated.
Process made with nitrogen which prevents the oxidation of the products.
The use of nitrogen allows a totally safe process avoiding explosive atmospheres.